Why Anatole Is Set on Exposing the "Hypocrisy" of Humans

In the latest episode of HUMANS, Anatole comes to the Hawkins home and forces Laura to make a choice: kill a random old man from off the street, or kill Sam.

"In his mind, he's doing that to expose the hypocrisy of any human who claims to be a friend of the Synths," says co-creator and executive producer Sam Vincent. "What we were trying to do there is examine just how sort of damaging that kind of fanaticism can be, because what Anatole wants is nothing less than ideological perfection, and ideological perfection eludes everyone but the fanatic."

Go Inside Episode 6 With the Cast and Creators

The choice has a profound effect on Laura. "She was utterly humiliated by that," says Katherine Parkinson. "It was fascinating to actually put her in that situation and to not come away as you might expect."

Plus, the cast and creators talk about Leo's tense relationship with his father, and why he's struggling with the idea of being a father himself. Click here to watch the cast and creators go inside the episode.

Watch full episodes of HUMANS now on amc.com and AMC apps for mobile, Fire TV, Xbox One, Apple TV, Roku and Chromecast.

The two-part HUMANS Season Finale airs Tuesday at 11/10c. Click here to add a reminder to your calendar. To get more HUMANS extras, sign up for the Insiders Club.