What Drives Mia to Risk Living Openly Among Humans -- Inside Episode 3

In the latest episode, Mia defies all Green-Eyed Synth conventions and rents an apartment in a human neighborhood.

"Mia's journey in Season 3 is her realizing what it takes to bring about real social and cultural change," says co-creator Sam Vincent.

Go Inside Episode 3 With the Cast and Creators

Gemma Chan calls Mia's move to live openly among humans "unexpected" and "brave." When Mia receives hostility from the humans in town, "She's just kind of stoic and determined to just show that humans and synths can live side by side," Chan says.

"As Synths have always been seen as the 'other,' there are so many analogies with our own society with immigrants," says executive producer Derek Wax. "It sort of rifts off the way that we treat people in our midst who are not exactly the same as us. Do we welcome them or do we feel threatened by them?"

Plus, Tom Goodman-Hill talks the ironic situation of becoming even more entangled with Synths as he tries to remove synthetics from his life. Click here to watch the cast and creators go inside the episode.

Watch full episodes of HUMANS now on amc.com and AMC apps for mobile, Fire TV, Xbox One, Apple TV, Roku and Chromecast.

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