Stream the NOS4A2 Season 2 Finale Now

In the NOS4A2 Season 2 Finale, Christmasland is crumbling. As the soul-sucking inscape burns around them, Vic McQueen (Ashleigh Cummings) finally gets through to her son, Wayne (Jason David). Despite his bloodlust and fanged teeth, there is still a spark of innocence in Wayne that remembers his mother’s love. But now Vic has a new problem: she needs to get Wayne out before Christmasland is destroyed -- with them trapped inside. And even if she gets to the other side of the Shorter Way Bridge, will she be able to save his soul?

On the other side of Christmasland, Maggie (Jahkara Smith) must find the strength to survive the hordes of demon children while Vic works to bring Wayne outside of Christmasland’s gates. But Maggie is gravely wounded after the bloody ambush in the ice maze. Maggie will need to last long enough on her own inside the exploding hellscape of holiday nightmares, or she’ll become Christmasland’s final victim.

Watch the Season 2 Finale Now

Meanwhile, Charlie Manx (Zachary Quinto) is seeing red. His life’s work in ashes and all Manx cares about is putting an end to Vic McQueen. His power might be dwindling as his inscape burns to the ground, but he won’t stop until he pursues Vic to the ends of the earth. As chaos wages on around them, Manx aims his Wraith towards Vic and presses the pedal to the metal -- straight over the Shorter Way Bridge and towards everyone Vic loves. Who will be left standing when the dust settles?

Click here to watch the final showdown between Vic McQueen and Charlie Manx in the NOS4A2 Season 2 Finale, available now on and the AMC app for mobile and devices. Check out the on-air schedule here for more encore viewings and upcoming episodes of NOS4A2 on AMC.

For more of a behind-the-scenes perspective with the NOS4A2 cast and creators, check out this library of interviews with the team in front of and behind the camera. Ólafur Darri Ólafsson discusses Bing's crisis of conscience. Virginia Kull explores Linda's attempts to bridge the gap between her and Vic. Ashley Romans talks Tabitha's struggles to fight the supernatural. Jonathan Langdon opens up about how fatherhood shaped his role. Zachary Quinto talks peeling back the layers of Charlie Manx. Ashleigh Cummings explains why Vic is stuck in a cycle of trauma.

For the latest news, sneak peeks, Q&As, videos exclusives and more, sign up for the NOS4A2 Insiders Club.