Sam Wanders Off Alone to Find Where Dead People Go

In the latest episode of HUMANS, Sam is trying to process Karen's sudden death. Seeking to restore her, Sam sneaks out of the house alone to look for her body.

Watch the Episode 5 Talked About Scene

With little to go on, he remembers what Sophie said happened to her great-grandmother when she passed: They put her in a box and took her to the church.

Meanwhile, Joe experiences every parent's worst nightmare when he realizes Sam has vanished. Click here to watch the tender scene.

Watch full episodes of HUMANS now on and AMC apps for mobile, Fire TV, Xbox One, Apple TV, Roku and Chromecast.

HUMANS airs Tuesdays at 11/10c. Click here to add a reminder to your calendar. To get more HUMANS extras, sign up for the Insiders Club.