Loaded Q&A — Lolly Adefope (Naomi)

Lolly Adefope, who plays Naomi on AMC's Loaded, talks about her character's chemistry with Watto, her character's take on millionaire guilt and her idea for an app.

Q: What makes Naomi an interesting character to play?

A: I really like how she's in her own world a lot of the time. She gets caught up in the madness of the boys, but is always herself! She's funny, but also fiercely loyal and intelligent.

Q: Did your experience in stand-up lend itself well for this show? Were there any moments where you got to improvise?

A: We would always tend to do a few improvised takes. In my case, I think it tended to be improvised facial expressions, like the scene where I'm describing my nan. I'm quite expressive in my live characters, too, so that came in quite useful.

Q: There's one photo of Naomi that you mentioned you'll never stop tweeting. What's the reception of your character been like for you?

A: People really like her and are huge fans of her will-they-won't-they relationship with Watto. That is my main photo on all my dating apps.

Q: What was your reaction to Naomi convincing Leon to buy a $3 million yacht, when a lot of the other characters have been dealing with millionaire guilt?

A: Totally on her side. Naomi doesn’t have millions like the guys, so has to live vicariously through them. No point in having money unless you spend it on murder boats, am I right?

Q: Naomi has found herself in the middle of Casey and the guys. Whose side do you think she's on?

A: I genuinely think she's really torn. She gets to know the guys and gets caught up in the drama, and eventually becomes a real friend to them who doesn't appreciate how they're treated by the big dogs. But, she is in awe of Casey as well. One of my favorite lines was when Naomi is talking about her to Ewan [and says,] "I love her mouth."

Q: She seems to have a special relationship with Watto. How would you describe it?

A: I don't think either of them really knows what they're doing! They definitely like each other, but Watto’s past and the fact that they work together makes them both scared to take the next step and actually admit it. I think it would probably take a third party (maybe Ewan) to get them on a proper date, even.

Q: At the end of the episode, Naomi stands up to Casey, though she's very quickly reeled back in by a pay raise. Does it seem like she just can't leave Casey?

A: Naomi really respects Casey in a lot of ways. I think there are moments when Naomi starts to feel like Casey’s cutthroat approach isn't something she can quite get behind, but she respects that she's got to where she is in a very male-dominated industry, and been such a badass in doing so.

Q: Have you ever thought about an app you'd love to create?

A: I think there should be an app that's like Tinder, but it's to connect people at the same bars/restaurants who are both waiting for someone that's running late. This isn't because I hate lateness; it's because I'm always late and would like to give something back.

Read an interview with Aimee-Ffion Edwards, who plays Abi.

Watch full episodes of Loaded on amc.com and AMC apps for mobile, Fire TV, Xbox One, Apple TV, Roku and Chromecast.

Loaded airs Mondays at 10/9c. To get more exclusive interviews with the cast, sign up for the weekly newsletter.