Comic Book Men - Q&A With Harley Quinn Smith

Comic Book Men returns this Sunday, February 15 at Midnight/11c in a two-episode midseason premiere, but you can get your Secret Stash fix right now with the first half of Season 4 full episodes on One highlight of the season so far? Kevin's daughter, Harley Quinn Smith, stopping by the store! Here, she talks about her time hanging out with Walt and the guys in the season premiere and what it's like starring in her dad's new film.

Q: You came to the Stash to prepare for your starring role in your dad's new film, Yoga Hosers. What's it about?

A: Yoga Hosers is about two Canadian high school girls who work in a convenience-store, and they are yoga fanatics. One day, they get invited to a senior party, but things end up going pretty differently than what they expected, when they are faced with these small monsters that they have to fight off.

Q: What was being on set like? Any highlights?

A: It was amazing. It was the best experience of my life, I miss it so much... I was able to work with amazing actors that I have looked up to for so long and that I’ve watched on my favorite TV shows and movies. Everybody who was there and on the crew was so sweet. I came to think of them all as family. Every day coming to set was a highlight.

Q: What was it like working with your dad in a professional setting?

A: It was really weird! My dad and I are really close and we have a fun-loving relationship, and we do definitely talk about serious stuff, but I feel like most of the time we’re just watching cute videos of animals. So just to be in a working, serious environment was a little different. I don’t have much experience working on anything else besides this, but I can imagine it’s very different to work with your dad as a director rather than anybody else, but it was a really amazing experience.

Q: What was it like to be directed by your dad?

A: I can say from what I’ve heard, and what I’ve gathered, that my dad’s style is really different; it’s really centered on allowing the actors to play. He lets us watch ourselves on playback so we can critique ourselves and see what we want to change, if there’s anything to change -- which I think is a really positive and impactful way of acting, especially just newly coming in to this career. I think it was a really great first experience at acting.

Q: What did you think when your dad sent you to the Stash to get real experience as a clerk?

A: At first I was like, “OK, but...why?" Then when I got there it was actually really fun! I learned a lot about things I had no idea about before. I’ve never worked behind a counter, but it was really nice to just be able to interact with customers that came in and to get a feel for what it would be like for the next month and a half, and the guys imparted some really nice knowledge on me.

Q: What are some things you learned?

A: I remember Bryan and Walter taught me two opposing things. Bryan taught me that the customer is never right and Walter taught me that the customer is always right. And I feel like you can think about that on a deeper level, like, if you’re in a fight with someone. I don’t know, but I thought about that the other day and you can tie it back to your everyday life.

Q: Your dad is obviously really dedicated to comics. Do you read any comics?

A: Well, I have in the past but I don’t as much anymore. I used to really love the Umbrella Academy series. I love Gerard Way. He was my biggest idol for so long. He actually came to set one day which was the biggest mind-blowing experience of my life, because I was like, “You were my biggest idol a year ago!” But yeah, I loved those comics.

Q: Speaking of idols, your dad has quite a fan base from making Clerks. Have you been affected at all by that film's legacy?

A: Not me personally, but I definitely see it live on in the people coming up to my dad and saying so. I’m so glad that my dad has been able to impact people’s lives in that way. But I wouldn’t say I do personally because not many people from my age group have seen it... since it’s black and white.

Q: Do you have any projects you’d like to take on next?

A: I would truly take on anything I could. Now, I’m sadly in school, but in any free time at all I would love to take on any new projects that come my way.

Comic Book Men returns this Sunday, February 15 at Midnight/11c.