Comic Book Men Q&A – Michael Zapcic

Michael Zapcic, star of AMC's Comic Book Men, talks about what being a comic book man really means and the most interesting thing he's learned about Ming.

Q: Ming chose you for who he’d want on his team during a zombie apocalypse. What kind of skills would you bring to the table?

A: I’ve got an arsenal in my house. It’s kind of funny. My children are into martial arts, so they’re dealing with nunchucks and swords. We’ve bought them actual swords. In my wife’s car, she’s got a complete set of emergency flares, road signs and everything she needs. I also put in a machete, just in case.

Q: Hey, you never know when you’ll need a machete, right?

A: Exactly! The one thing that’s most important is I have a plan. I’m the kind of guy who likes to think about stuff before it happens. I'd rather have a plan and not need it than need a plan and not have it. We were caught in Hurricane Sandy and we weren’t prepared for everything. Now I’ve got an emergency preparation plan that can pretty much be used for almost any situation. It’s not necessarily a zombie apocalypse plan, but it can be used for that. It’s fun to think about it.

Q: If you had to pick any superhero to back you during an apocalypse, who would it be and why?

A: Any superhero? Oh, wow! I would want Captain America on my side. He inspires everybody to be the best that they can be and I think that’s pretty impressive.

Q: Do you bond with your kids over comics? Is it something you try to introduce them to as they grow older?

A: I do. My youngest is a Whovian, a Doctor Who fan, and my oldest loves Pokémon. I try to bring comic books to the table as well and we bond over those.

Q: You host the I Sell Comics! podcast every week with Ming. Does it help with camaraderie on the show at all?

A: Absolutely. Ming and I, before the podcast and before the show, knew each other and we had done things together, but we weren’t as close as we are now. You learn little things about somebody and the nuances when you do a podcast weekly. You learn things by just having them talk. Having a conversation is basically what a podcast is.

Q: What’s the most interesting thing you've learned about Ming?

A: Ming loves food. I used to be a chef and whenever we’re out, Ming will always find the best food. I latch onto him and one of the things I look forward to the most, when I travel with him, is the food.

Q: There are so many different comic conventions across the country now. Which has been most memorable for you?

A: We had a blast at Comicpalooza down in Houston. It was so much fun. We played laser tag with some guys from Buffy and Game of Thrones. It was celebrity laser tag and I was like, “Really? I’m a celebrity?”

Q: The tagline for this season is "Enter their dimension." As a comic book man, what does that personally mean to you?

A: We have a lot of depth. We’re a lot deeper than most people think and you’re going to see that this season. This is no lie – you’re going to see sides of us that you never expected.

Q: If you had to choose any other career, what would you be doing?

A: If Walt Flanagan had not asked me to work at The Stash, I would probably still be cooking in some respect, or I would be writing professionally. Hopefully, I would have mixed the two as a writer for a food blog.

Q: We’re asking all the guys this question: If you could only save one comic or collectible from The Stash, which would it be and why?

A: Oh my God! You know what? I would break the glass and grab Kevin Smith’s Silent Bob jacket on display because from that, everything else was built. If we still have that, we can replace everything else.